(Spring 2024)

Teach the class a named reaction! Your presentation, given from memory, needs to include:

(1) the name of the reaction

(2) at least one fact about the reaction (e.g. Who created it? When? Where are they from?)

(3) the overall transformation (e.g. What functional groups?)

(4) the entire mechanism, with correct curved arrows

Once you choose a reaction to present,  let O'Malley know, and he will sign you up below. Please choose a reaction that we have NOT already learned the mechanism of in class, nor a reaction someone has already committed to (including my sample below). First come, first serve! If you want to do a reaction we already learned about, but one which we never covered the mechanism, that's completely fine to teach us. It is also okay to teach us a reaction that you realize we will learn about later in the course, just so long as we haven't covered it by the time you present. This is an opportunity to learn things outside of what we already have lined up, so take advantage of that. :)

A few sites that list organic named reactions to help you choose include those below. 

ORGO Named Reactions 2021-2022